The Bible denigrates both God and Jesus
A sincere learner is put off by reading the Bible. The Bible has two parts. The Old Testament which is common to all Semitic faiths namely the Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It is the same as the Hebrew Bible of the Jews. God, the all-powerful all-pervasive Supreme authority has been made to look like a person. The Book of Genesis quotes God saying “We shall make man in our image, in our likeness” Genesis 1:26-28 KJV. Then God is shown to need rest after working for six days. What has actually been done is to make God in the image of man – not the other way. Then what happens to the universe when God rests; does it also stop functioning?
Then God is made to say “I am a jealous God” Genesis 34:14. Again an attribute of the humans not the Divine.
God wants Abraham to sacrifice his son, he was going to do that but then a ram comes and is sacrificed. Genesis 22:2-8. This shows God accepts hypocrisy. For God’s sake, NO.
In the New Testament Jesus is shown doing everything and God sits in heaven as father of Jesus. Pray, whose children are all the other creatures?
Every preceptor comes to the world to transform people. But the New Testament emphasises less on teachings of Jesus and more to justify he fulfilling past prophesies. KJV Matthew 26:54. This runs throughout. Jesus is shown as born of a virgin mother. Matthew 1: 18-25. This is not practical. Jesus is also shown to ask for endorsement. He asks Peter who he thought Jesus was, and Peter says what Jesus wants to hear “Thou art the Christ the son of the living God”. Matthew 16:16. It is later shown that his disciples deserted Jesus when his arrest was imminent. Matthew 26:56. Similarly people are shown to spit at him. Matthew 26:56.
And Jesus is shown to be Divine. Both things cannot be true.
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